These are presented to students attending the ANS meeting as a partial contribution towards their travel costs.

ANS student travel awards are made to students attending the ANS meeting and represent a partial contribution towards their airfare costs. Sponsorship and encouragement of student participation in the annual ANS meetings was made a priority of the Society as early as the 1982 AGM.

Awards do not provide full reimbursement but all eligible applicants will receive a travel award with the number of successful applicants therefore dictating the size of awards, which are scaled according to the distance to the Meeting location. Overseas students are also eligible to apply and their reimbursement will be equal to that received by the furthest travelling Australian student.

How to Apply

Applications for the travel awards are made online as part of the ANS meeting registration process. Full-time or part-time PhD or MSc students may apply. Honours students are not eligible to apply for travel awards. A maximum of two awards may be received during a student's candidature. The applicant must submit an abstract to the Annual Scientific Meeting as the first author and the awards must be collected in person at the Meeting.